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Lesson Policy


Tuition & Billing

  • Tuition for lessons remains the same each month regardless of attendance.

  • Lessons are charged on an auto-draft payment system. We require each student to have a form of payment on file, whether through credit/debit card or a voided check. The tuition is charged on the 5th of each month. Monthly payments are non-refundable.

  • If your credit/debit card expires, it is your responsibility to let us know and get a new one on file. Any account that is not paid by the 15th of the month will be charged a $10 late fee.

  • If you decide to discontinue lessons, please let our lesson coordinator know by the end of the month to ensure you will not be charged for the next month. Cancellation of lessons need to be in writing by filling out a form and turning in to the lesson coordinator to ensure you are removed from the billing system. Forms must be received by the 1st of the month to ensure you are not charged for lessons.

Books & Supplies

  • Books and supplies are not included in the tuition. The required books/supplies that you will need are determined by your teacher and will be added to your account.

Missed Lessons & Make-ups

  • Please remember that you have signed up for lessons at a specified time. We do not give credits for missed lessons by the student. This includes lessons missed due to illness, school functions, and vacation. The lesson time you have chosen is specifically reserved for you, so please be respectful of your teacher's time.

  • If you are going to miss your lesson, please give at least 24 hours notice to your teacher. If the teacher can accommodate a make-up lesson (as their schedule allows), that is considered a courtesy. Make-ups do not "add up" over time. A make-up for a lesson missed by the student should be made up within the month. If the teacher's schedule is unable to accommodate it, the student forfeits the lesson.

  • If your teacher should be out for any reason, they will make every attempt to schedule a make-up lesson with you. If that cannot be arranged, a credit will be put on your account for the following month of tuition.

  • No-shows and notifications the day of are NOT eligible for make-ups. Any student that no-shows 2 weeks in a row will be removed from the schedule. The monthly tuition will not be refunded.

  • Recitals are set by individual instructors. Instructors may choose to have a recital take the place of a lesson.

Holidays & Inclement Weather

  • Holidays are built into the lesson tuition over months of enrollment. Students will get on average 4 lessons per month. Some months will have 5 lessons instead of 4. Those 5th week lessons are taught in place of holidays and breaks where we are closed. If you start on the same month as a holiday, your tuition will be pro-rated to reflect the amount of lessons taken that month.

  • If we are closed for inclement weather and your teacher cannot provide a virtual lesson, we will credit your account for that lesson on the following months tuition.

Practice Time & Behavior

  • Practice is essential to excel in any instrument. Students should come to lessons prepared. Practice time depends on the age and aptitude of the student; your teacher will let you know how much practice time is expected each week.

  • It is at the teacher's discretion to discontinue lessons should they become a chore and not enjoyable for the student or the teacher.

  • Appropriate behavior in lessons is expected and appreciated. Our teachers will not discipline students during their lesson. If behavior is inappropriate, the teacher reserves the right to end the lesson early.